Today's Guardian reports that UK cancer survival lags ten years behind other European countries:
Which cancers?
UK Cancer survival rates have been improving in the last thirty years. :
Cancer is a highly variable disease. Cancer of the prostate, testis and melanoma have shown particular improvement, lung and pancreas less so.
These are the latest figures for common cancers in the first year after diagnosis.And after Five years:
Lung and stomach cancers show less change.Health funding differs widely between regions.
What about regional differences?
The picture is complicated, regions in the south and Central belt of Scotland appeart to do best. Source: Daily Mail
Details of the study of almost 3m cases of eleven different cancers diagnosed in 23 different countries between 1995-1999 is here:
Which countries perform best?Some countries which spend less on health perform have better survival rates than the UK. Mikre Richards, UK 'Cancer Tsar' puts this down to late diagnosis.
Take cervical cancer, for instance:
This is internatiuonal data from OECD, showing marginal improvement in the UK compared to countries like Norway and New Zealand.
I can't find the reference for this bar chart which suggests that US healthcare is equivalent to more efficient European countries.
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