Thursday, 1 December 2011

Grace Williams says it Loud

I'm searching for a Young Adult book that gives a central role to a character with severe cerebral palsy.  Emma Henderson's Grace Williams says it loud [Sceptre, March 2011] comes closer than any to a realist account of profound disability, read my review here:
It has its moments of profound injustice which, I suppose matches the paternalistic times: 1950's and 60's institutions and it has a resourceful and enjoyable main character who holds the book together. Emma manages to avoid the well known dangers of disabled characters: undue pathos, early death, escape into fantasy, implausible cure, mind over matter or special powers. 
More to come: Sarah Hammond's The Night Sky in my Head which features a main character with learning needs is due for release next year by OUP.  And I'm told there are more titles in the offing in this challenging area.

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