With Thanks to Colleen Laybourne-Smith
Colleen biographyWho is published by Book Guild through their partnership scheme.
Last year 3,000 people applied to become partners at the Book Guild and Colleen was one of 85 whose picture book for 5-8 year olds was accepted. In partnership, the author pays the cost of the first print run and receives 30% of the total price of each book sold
The initial Waterstones book launch. Choose the most local branch .
- Phone local papers and magazines in advance
- Invite friends, relatives, contacts, fellow authors and inform the branch of pre-orders, bring your own copies to sell and use commercial book holders, pretty soft toys and a stand to make an eye-catching display.
- Use a banner with picture of the book: TITLE, GENRE, AUTHOR, BOOK SIGNING TODAY, PRICE, AGE RANGE Have matching cards and book marks with links to a website.
- Position your table near related books where you can talk to parents looking for a book: personalise your dedication for a christening or birthday.
Send out review copies, update your author page on Amazon, try to interest libraries, Google your ISBN, title and name: you may find people mention the book in remote places.
Subsequent Waterstones launches: "Local author" is a moveable feast: where you were born, where you went to primary school, secondary school, any previous towns you lived in, where your grandparents live or your present home. Let them know how many books were sold at the initial launch.
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