An allegory
You might think male bees have a charmed life [Bees].
They are fed by female worker bees and enjoy a warm hive which is supplied with food and defended by the female workers. The male has no sting so he can't fight off hornets or cuckoo bees and he has no pollen basket; he simply eats for himself.
Female worker bees live short lives endlessly collecting nectar and pollen and making honey.
The drone's only role is to patrol the hedgerows in the off chance of meeting a queen who is ready to mate. He displays at vantage points and releases a pheromone to attract a queen.
At this time of the year, the worker bees block drones from entering the hive, causing them to die of hunger or cold.
If it's an allegory it sounds very one-sided. The drone's sperm is vital to the next generation. Perhaps he works hard as well. His athletic training to perform his one task, his preening and preparing himself could equate to some human activities.
Like what? Well maybe the release of pheromones correspond to learning to iron, doing the weekly shop, baking bread and cakes, pampering, buying nice clothes and creating romantic surprises.
Just a thought.
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