Monday, 29 July 2019

Bumblebee flowers, which to choose? And their ecology

Most popular bumblebee flowers in late July

The garden centre is the obvious place to compare the attractions of different garden flowers. And, I discover, a good place to observe the ecology of bumblebees.

The main bumblebees on view today were white tailed: B terrestris and B lucorum
The most popular flowers by a mile were all colours and varieties of Salvia:

But if you look closely you can see that the bees are cheating the flowers by robbing nectar through a hole in the calyx [sepals] or corolla [tubular petals]

In the photos, nearly every flower has been broken into. 


The next most popular flowers were Echinacea

And after that: Penstemon, Veronica, Alstomeria, Cirsium, Helenium, Physostegia

and the Common Carders favoured Nepeta

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